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  • Writer's pictureHoward Kline


I am making a special offer to help landlords and tenants. With all of the webinars that I have been doing over the last few weeks regarding how landlords and tenants will be dealing with this tragedy of the Coronavirus, I have been thinking about what else I can do to help. This is what I can do, as a lawyer and consultant to help out landlords and tenants. Watch or read my explanation below.

It has occurred to me that some landlords and tenants are in denial, some frozen in fear, some think that they can handle their leases on their own but are overwhelmed and others just are concerned that they cannot afford someone with my experience.

I’ve decided to allay some of those fears and make sure that I make myself available to tenants and landlords alike, big or small in a way that allows the easiest access to my services, in a most affordable fashion and in a way that allows me to give my best services without going broke. Watch my explanation video, below.

This live-stream is about what I think I can do for you or your clients in a way that is affordable.

As many of you know, I have been doing podcasts, videos and live-streams for about 10 years now. Lately, my volume of webinars has increased dramatically as has my audience. While the response has been great and most people appreciate the fact that I am helping others by sharing my knowledge, the realty is that I am also trying to promote my law practice.

In this live stream, I explain how I intend to give back to my CRE peeps by massively reducing my legal fees. In this live video, I also explain how I calculated the reduced fees and make sure that I am not, so overwhelmed that I fail to knock it out of the park.



For the next 120 days or up to August 1, 2020, I am reducing my fees for legal or consulting services to 25% of my normal rate for rent relief negotiations, and limited to the first 60 leases, up to 25 hours per lease. That computes to $100.00 per hour for an attorney who has been doing this for over 40 years.

As an alternative, I am offering a flate rate of $1,500 per lease rent relief negotiation no matter how many hours I put in.

For more information contact me at


  • I tried to come up with a rate that I believe is financially feasible for big and small tenants and landlords. Big or small, you are likely swamped with requests for rent relief and need help from someone who has been through a number of recessions.

  • At the rate that I am offering, I do not think that I will be able to find other lawyers with my experience to help out. As a result, I am assuming I am on my own and will personally handle each and every negotiation.

  • It is important that I do the best job possible for each and every person or company that seeks my help. If I take on too much, I am afraid that I will spread myself to thin and do a disservice to my clients. Therefore, I had to limit the number of negotiations that I handle.

  • I limited the time period to 120 days because time is of the essence. If you need rent relief as a tenant or you need to deal with tenants who are requesting rent relief due to the Corona Virus pandemic, it needs to be done quickly. Six months from now is too late to act.

To schedule a free 45 minute telephone or Zoom conference, CLICK HERE.


  1. I have calculated that it will take, on average 10 hours of my time to negotiate rent relief. It may take more or less for each lease.Assuming an average of 10 “billable” hours per negotiation, that calculates to 600 billable hours in a 120 day period or 2400 billable hours an an annualized basis. That is the amount of billable hours expected of a 1,2 and 3 year associate in a big law firm. In order to bill 2400 hours per year, those associates are not expected to do anything other than do billable work.

  2. A billable hour is the time actually spent on doing work that you can bill a client for. It’s not chatter time, lunch, breaks or anything else. That computes to 5 billable hours per day, 7 days per week. Generally speaking, in order to do 5 billable hours per day, I will have to work 8-10 hours or more per day because I have other responsibilities. That’s anywhere from 70 – 80 hours per week.

  3. By my estimate, if I work more than 7 days per week, 10 hours per day for 3 months straight, the quality of my services will so deteriorate, that neither my clients nor I will be happy.

Now, what do I mean by negotiation?

How long would it take to just ask to abate or defer rent for a few months? If this is all your going to do, I cal this the ask. It’s simple but it is not negotiation. You don’t need me for the simple ask. If you’re a landlord saying yes or know is also simple and is not a negotiation.

If you are a tenant, I analyze your entire circumstances to determine what you can afford, what you can request, how to approach the landlord and how to get the best deal now and going forward. I read your lease and communications with your landlord and analyze your lease provisions. I help obtaining relief offered by the CARES Act and state governments.

If you are a landlord, I analyze the tenant’s lease and create a protocal for the submission of documents from the tenant in order to make the best decision for the landlord.

For more information, connect to me on LinkedIn at

To schedule a free 45 minute telephone or Zoom conference, CLICK HERE.

To watch my Coronavirus webinars and live streams, click on the following links


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